李星玥 发表于 2015-7-9 07:52:33

与父亲共舞 A Dance with Dad

I am dancing with my father at my parents’ fiftieth wedding anniversary. The band is playing an old-fashioned waltz as we move gracefully across the floor.
在父母五十周年结婚纪念日那天我与父亲跳舞了。乐队演奏着旧式的华尔兹,我们在地板上优美地滑动着。His hand on my waist is as guiding as it always was, and he hums the tune to himself in a steady, youthful way.
他的手环着我的腰,像以往一样指引着我,平和而又充满活力地哼着调子。Around and around we go, laughing and nodding to the other dancers. We are the best dancers on the floor, they tell us. My father squeezes my hand and smiles at me.   
我们跳了一圈又一圈,不时地向其他舞者笑着点头致意。他们说我们是舞场中最优秀的舞者。父亲握着我的手,露出了微笑。As we continue to dip and sway, I remember a time when I was almost three, and my father came home from work, swooped me into his arms and began to dance me around the table.
When the band began to play after dinner, my parents took the floor. They glided around the room, inviting the others to join them.
晚餐过后,乐队开始演奏,父母步入了舞池。他们在房间里翩翩起舞,并邀请其他人加入。客人们都站起来,一齐为这对金婚夫妇喝彩。The guests rose to their feet, applauding the golden couple. My father danced with his granddaughters and then the band began to play the “Beer Barrel Polka.”
父亲开始和他的外孙女跳舞,乐队演奏起了“Beer Barrel Polka”。“Roll out the barrel,” I heard my father sing. Then I knew it was time. I knew the words I must say to my father before he would dance with me once more. I wound my way through a few couples and tapped my daughter on the shoulder.
我听见父亲在唱:“Roll out the barrel”。我知道现在是最佳时机。我知道要想让父亲和我跳舞,我需要说些什么。我穿过人群,拍了拍女儿的肩膀。“Excuse me,” I said, almost choking on my words, “but I believe this is my dance.”
“对不起。”我说,有一种窒息的感觉。“我想这是我的舞曲。”My father stood rooted to the spot. Our eyes met and traveled back to that night when I was fifteen. In a trembling voice, I sang, “Let’s get those blues on the run.”
父亲呆了一样站在那里。我们都注视这对方,思绪飞回到我十五岁的那个夜晚。我用略带颤抖的声音唱道:“Let's get those blues on the run。”My father bowed and said, “Oh, yes. I’ve been waiting for you.”
父亲鞠躬道:“噢,当然。我一直在等你。”Then he started to laugh, and we moved into each other’s arms, pausing for a moment so we could catch once more the rhythm of the dance.
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